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SupportDesk mourning the loss of a dear colleague Jikke Broxterman

On 18-01-2020 dark clouds hang over SupportDesk, as we have just learned that our dear colleague and friend Jikke Broxterman had lost the battle with this terrible illness and had passed away.

Jikke started off as an ERP consultant and switched to webdevelopment in 2007. She was one of the firsts to join SupportDesk in 2012. Both colleagues and clients enjoyed working with Jikke and have always experienced her as a positive, professional, enthusiastic and motivating person.

Even after she'd learned about her illness Jikke stayed positive. She had her hopes set on a treatment in Germany and a fundraiser was started to help her cover the expenses. Unfortunately the disease caught up to her and it was her wish to spend the money on a project that allows treatment by integrative medicine, or medicine where regular and alternative meet, now and in the future. So that people like Jikke, who have now been treated, will have the opportunity to receive the treatment they trust in time.

Click here if you wish to make a donation.

We, here at SupportDesk, were all truly saddened to hear about her passing and will miss her deeply.

Our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends.

Rest in peace Jikke, gone but never forgotten

Team SupportDesk